5 Ways to Improve Your Fleet’s Bottom Line

21 Feb 2018, Posted by McPherson Oil in Oil Tips

Truck at Gas Station Commercial Fuel Services | McPherson OilFleet managers are always tasked with finding ways to maintain cost-effective commercial fuel services From enforcing new policies or telematics, there are several ways to control your fleet’s highest cost.  

Here’s how to increase revenue while saving money at the same time.  

Track Your Drivers’ Behavior  

Did you know your drivers’ behavior can impact fuel efficiency by 33%? Everyone makes mistakes, but when mishaps become trends, something must change. Tracking their behavior allows you to find out who is costing you the most money. Some of the most common driver behaviors that take a toll on your fleet economy are harsh braking, inconsistent speeds, and quick accelerations.   

Behavior can be tracked using engine data, advanced sensors, and GPS tracking systems. These monitor and report driving performance that can be used to address issues through training and education. This can reduce the number of accidents, increase fuel efficiency, extend vehicle life, and even lower overall costs. As obvious as it sounds, their behavior will improve if they know they are being monitored.  

Control Fuel Costs  

Because fuel is one of the biggest expenses, fleet managers want to eliminate excessive fuel purchases.  With GPS route planning, you can cut down on your petroleum costs. This approach cuts down travel times and unnecessary engine idling by avoiding traffic jams and weather delays.  If you promote more economical driving and shorter routes, you can save hundreds or thousands of gallons of gas and dollars.  

Evaluate Fleet Policy  

What company policies are in place to reduce fleet costs? It’s recommended to start with a preventative maintenance policy. This will help avoid unexpected future breakdowns from happening.  

If you suspect your drivers are making unauthorized purchases that are affecting your fuel costs, it may be time to put a fuel purchasing policy in place. With a fuel card, you can set limits that save you money and give you a holistic picture of your fleet’s expenses.  

Manage Your Assets  

Look at your fleet vehicles and spend, and make sure that you are not unnecessarily spending on vehicles that you don’t need. If you have older vehicles that cost you more to maintain than they are worth, it might be time to get rid of them.  

One-Stop Shop   

There are hundreds of vendors that sell oil products, but few can supply all your petroleum products in one place. That’s why you need a full-service vendor that offers total petroleum management (TPM). You’ll be able to get fluids, maintenance, and equipment delivered by a single provider who knows your operations. This would save you money, invoicing, paperwork, and vehicle break downs.  

McPherson Oil has been meeting the needs of companies for the past four decades. We go beyond delivering oil products with superior customer service. Call us today at 1-888-802-7500 and learn more about how you can improve your fleet’s bottom line.    

About: McPherson Oil is proud to distribute ExxonMobil products in the southeast including Alabama, Arkansas, Florida Panhandle, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee.