McPherson Oil

The Diesel Engine Evolution

11 Jan 2021, Posted by Adam Ingram in Industry Information

In the past two decades, several significant advances have been made in diesel engine technology to curb exhaust emissions: • High-pressure common-rail fuel injection (HPCR): Enables very precise control of engine fuelling and improves spray characteristics for a cleaner, more efficient burn • Exhaust gas…

With the need for drivers growing along with the economy while more and more drivers reach retirement age and record turnover continues at many carriers, not to mention looming regulations expected to further sour veteran and prospective truckers alike on trucking, it would be nice…

Low-temperature diesel performance is among the top concerns of on-road fleets and off-road vehicles. Diesel fuel is impacted by ambient temperatures, so its performance characteristics need to be managed throughout the year to ensure proper equipment and engine operation – especially in cold environments. Why…

Five Predictions for Fleets

08 Dec 2020, Posted by Adam Ingram in Industry Information

Unanswered questions and rapid evolution have always been part of trucking, but today fleets seem to be facing an endless list of uncertain future scenarios that could and al­most certainly will change their busi­nesses in one way or another. No one has developed a reliable…

Successful Lubricant and Fuel Management

01 Dec 2020, Posted by Adam Ingram in Oil Tips

A critical factor in every fuel and lubricant-related business’ success is its ability to manage its lubricant and fuel inventory. Both of these products can be a significant cost to a company when mismanaged and can even lead to theft, overruns, shortfalls, and run-outs, which…

As you know, there are various forms of gases that are compressed at petrochemical facilities, as well as in midstream operations in the natural gas industry. Mobil Pegasus Compressor Oil 264 and 460 is typically used to lubricate natural gas reciprocating compressors, but can also…

Grease Application FAQ

17 Nov 2020, Posted by Adam Ingram in General

We know that there are many questions surrounding grease and bearing lubrication.  We’ve pulled together the most commonly asked questions regarding grease applications:   Can greases be mixed? Mixing different greases, even those with similar thickener types, can sometimes lead to ineffective lubrication resulting in…

Improving Construction Site Security

07 Nov 2020, Posted by Adam Ingram in Industry Information

Those in the construction industry have had a long battle with thieves who attempt to steal their highly valuable construction machinery. Whether it is an excavator or simply a cement mixer, the theft of construction equipment was once rife in the industry and it was…

We are delighted to inform you that we are introducing two new viscosity grades to the Mobiltrans AST series as a rolling change, beginning November 1, 2020. Mobiltrans AST fluids are designed for use in hydraulics and drive train applications for off-highway mobile equipment and…